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Perfect Mirror Placement As Per Vastu – For Positivity, Growth & Success

Perfect Mirror Placement As Per Vastu – For Positivity, Growth & Success

Are you tired of being confused by the myths surrounding perfect mirror placement in your home? Look no further! In this article, we’ll reveal the truth about where mirrors should be according to Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture. Not only will we debunk common misconceptions, but we’ll also provide bonus tips for

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Are you tired of being confused by the myths surrounding perfect mirror placement in your home? Look no further! In this article, we’ll reveal the truth about where mirrors should be according to Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture.

Not only will we debunk common misconceptions, but we’ll also provide bonus tips for utilizing mirrors to their fullest potential.

The Myths Around Perfect Mirror Placement Debunked

Many people believe that mirrors can only be on North or East-facing walls no matter what the direction, but this simply isn’t true. It’s important to remember that the direction of the room in which the mirror is is more important than the direction the mirror faces.

As long as the rooms in which the mirrors are in the North or East, it’s okay to put them on any wall. For optimal results, it’s best to place them on the North or East walls. But note, it’s okay to put them on the South or West wall of a Northern/ Eastern room under the expert’s guidance.

You should also know that while it’s true that the South-East and South-West areas of the house are not great directions for placing mirrors, it doesn’t mean they will bring bad luck and are solely responsible for the bad things in your life.

The reason mirrors shouldn’t be in this direction is that they will reflect the negative energy that is disposed of in the South and multiply the Vastu imbalance in your space.

If there’s any mirror that cannot be removed or covered for some reason, a Vastu consultant will help you negate the negative effects with simple Vastu remedies.

The Perfect Mirror Placement

Which direction of the house is best for placing mirrors as per Vastu?

The right mirror direction, as per Vastu should be the North or the East. Both are great directions for placing mirrors. In these areas, mirrors can reflect positive energy and bring prosperity and abundance to your home.

Remember, this applies to building Vastu as well. So, if you are involved in constructing a building and want to decorate it with big mirrors, make sure they are in the North or East direction only.

Which direction of the house is worst for placing mirrors as per Vastu?

The area between the South-East and South-West is not a fantastic direction for placing mirrors. As mentioned earlier, mirrors should not be in this direction because they will reflect the negative energy that is disposed of in the South and create more Vastu imbalance in your space.

Fixing The Wrong Placement

Wondering how to fix the wrong placement of mirrors as per Vastu in your home? If you find that a mirror in your home is in the wrong direction, it’s best to remove it. However, we understand that in some cases, it may not be possible to remove a mirror, such as in dressing tables and bathrooms. In that case, you could cover the mirror with shutters or close it inside the cupboard. Not possible? Add a solid curtain to cover the mirror.

How Can I Take Advantage Of Mirrors In My Home?

The first step to perfect mirror placement is to ensure the mirrors are in the right direction. They should be in the North or East rooms of your house.

Try not to place mirrors in the toilet or bathroom. Mirrors in the bathroom or toilet can reflect negative energy from these areas back into the home. This can create an imbalance in the energy of the home and lead to negative effects on your health and well-being.

Don’t place multiple mirrors in the same room. While one mirror can help to reflect positive energy and balance out negative energy, multiple mirrors in the same room can create confusion and chaos by creating several images.

Also, remove any mirrors from the bedroom no matter what direction it is in. Bedroom mirrors, especially the ones which reflect the bed can cause restlessness and anxiety in the occupants.

If you have decorative mirrors on the ceiling, broken mirrors framed in any design, or even mirrors outside your cupboard, make sure to remove or at least cover them to avoid their awful effects on your physical and mental health.

Wrapping Up

Now you know the basics of perfect mirror placement as per Vastu. However, it isn’t so simple. It’s easy to make mistakes like choosing the right direction for the mirror because our compass may not be perfect. Or we may not know how to use it right.

That’s why we suggest you get a Vastu evaluation of your space. The experts at Vaastu Devayah Namah provide this service at a meagre cost and promise to save you immense trouble in the future while helping eliminate all problems you currently face.


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